1.1. This procedure describes the procedure and responsibilities for controlling the identification,
documentation, segregation, review, disposition, and notification to affected organizations
of materials, parts, components, or services which are found to be nonconformance to
1.2. This procedure provides instructions for preparing and completing “Non-conformity
2.1 Project Quality Plan
2.2. Non-conforming Control Procedure
2.3. Site Inspection & Test Procedure
3.1. Nonconformance;
renders the quality of an item unacceptable or indetermination with respect to the
quality program criteria. Examples of nonconformance include physical defects, test failures,
incorrect or inadequate documentation and deviations from prescribed processing, inspection
or test procedures.
4.1. Quality Manager
a. Approve Nonconformance Report (NCR)
b. Review and approve disposition methods of nonconformance matter
c. Maintain and manage Nonconformance Report Control List
d. Report NCR to Project Manager
4.2. Discipline Manager
a. Provide and execute disposition method of nonconformance matter
b. Report result of disposition
4.3. Project Control Discipline
a. Quality cost calculation and treatment for nonconforming product
b. Shall advise on the cost impact and design/engineering specification at the disposition step.
c. Shall liaise with the Employer and/or Vendor on the non-conformities for necessary action.
5.1. General
5.1.1. Work flow shall follow nonconforming product control work flow attached [Attachment – 6.1].
using [Attachment – 6.2] and then shall follow this procedure.
5.1.3. NCR’s which are initiated by Main Contractor or client personnel shall be assigned a number with the
confirmation of Quality section.
5.1.4. Numbering system manner for nonconformance report shall be as follows
□□ : Discipline Code
General : GE, Civil : CI,
Architecture : AR, Mechanical : MI,
Piping : PP, Insulation : IS,
Painting : PN, Instrument : IN,
Electrical : EL, Engineering : EN,
□□□ : Serial No.
the related Discipline.
5.1.6. Whenever practical, nonconformance item shall be segregated from the conforming items
into the designated separate area, with clearly marked boundaries to prevent the
inadvertent installation, or use of the nonconformance items and shall be clearly identified
as nonconformance condition whenever practical by use of tags or markings.
5.2. Preparation
5.2.1. Nonconformance items shall be identified and reported to Quality Section by anyone in the
the Quality Manager.
5.2.2. The NCR shall be accurately and concisely written after consultation with the interested
parties to ensure that the discrepancy is correctly and clearly described, the applicable
program criteria are referenced, and that sufficient data are provided to facilitate a proper
and satisfactory disposition for resolving the nonconformance.
5.3. Validation, Numbering & Submittal
5.3.1. The NCR shall be validated by the Quality Manager after consultation, when necessary, with
the Discipline Engineer and/or Quality Engineer for clearness of technical data described in
the NCR.
5.3.2. After validation of NCR, NCR shall be numbered by responsible Quality Engineer. After
numbering, the copies of NCR shall be distributed to related organization and the
original NCR shall be forwarded to related Discipline for one copy kept as a record in
case original is lost in the disposition process.
5.4. Identification, Tagging and Segregation of Nonconformance Items
5.4.1. After validation of NCR, nonconformance items shall be identified by Hold Tag
[Attachment 6.3], marking or other clear means of identification.
5.4.2. Further processing or work shall not be preceded on the items tagged or identified as
5.5. Distribution of NCR
following occasion.
a. After validation and numbering.
b. After disposition is approved.
c. After revision, supersede or correction.
d. After close-out.
5.6. Disposition of NCR
5.6.1. The Discipline Manager shall provide any appropriate resolving methods and
dispositions on deficiencies of NCR.
5.6.2. NCR shall be disposed using one or more of the following four disposition categories ;
5.6.3. “Rework” is the process by which a nonconformance item is made to conform to a prior
specified requirement by completion, re-machining, reassembling or other means.
5.6.4. “Reject” is a disposition which provides that nonconformance material or item is
unsuitable for its intended purpose and economically or feasibly incapable of rework
or repair, and the nonconformance item must be removed and replaced.
5.6.5. “Use-as-is” is a disposition which may be recommended for a nonconformance when it
can be established that the discrepancy will not adversely affect the functional
requirements including performance, maintainability, fit and safety of item.
5.6.6. “Repair” is the process of restoring a nonconformance characteristic to a condition such
that the capability of an item to function reliably and safely is unimpaired, even though
that item may not conform to the original requirements after repair. Repair includes
alterations to the physical properties of the material.
5.6.7. The original NCR shall then be returned to Quality section for distribution to related
organization after the disposition is approved. Where the disposition is “Repair” or
“Use-as-is”, the disposition of NCR shall be reported for concession to Employer and
approved by Employer.
5.7. Implementation of Approved Disposition
5.7.1. The responsible Discipline Engineer shall notify the responsible Quality Engineer prior to
required, the Quality Engineer shall notify the responsible clients and consultants prior to
starting work.
5.7.2. NCR disposed as “Use-as-is” shall be closed-out without any further confirmation.
5.8. Re-inspection
the repair. Quality Engineer shall final acceptance inspection of NCR disposed as “Repair”
or “Rework”.
5.8.2. If the item is not acceptable as a result of the re-inspection, the responsible inspector shall
inform the responsible party of the inspection results and nor sign off the NCR until the
items is acceptable.
5.8.3. For the NCR disposed “Reject”, Quality Engineer shall sign off and date in NCR after
assuring that the nonconformance item is placed in a segregated storage area or removed
from the project site to prevent inadvertent installation or use of the nonconformance items
5.8.4. For NCR disposed and approved “Use-as-is”, the responsible Quality Engineer/Discipline
Engineer shall remove the Hold Tag(s).
5.8.5. Quality Engineer is responsible for acceptance of the “Repair” or “Rework” operation
and he shall remove the “Hold Tag” after the work is completed and accepted by the
Quality and NCR has been closed.
5.8.6. Quality Manager is responsible for approval of NCR accepted by Quality Engineer.
5.9. Records
Nonconformance Report Control List(Log) [Attachment 6.4] shall be utilized to allocate the
NCR numbers and track the status of disposition and implementation.
6.2. Nonconformance Product Control Work Flow
6.3. NCR Hold Tags
A blog comprises of my everyday hurdle, problems and solution, so anyone who doesnt have experience in such work may have at least an idea or reference
Sunday, 13 May 2018
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