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Saturday, 6 August 2016


TABLE OF CONTENTS                           Page  

























9.   PROCEDURE                                                                                                                    9 - 15

10. PROGRAMME                                                                                                                     15







1              INTRODUCTION

This method statement describes the procedure for construction of Reinforced Concrete Structural Works using conventional formwork at Sembcorp Energy-from-Waste Project,  Sakra Road, Jurong Island.

2          SCOPE

This procedure applies to all the Reinforced Concrete Structural construction works which carried out at Sembcorp Energy-from-Waste  Project including the construction ofpilecap, ground beam, base slab,  top slab,  columns, beams and walls.

3          OBJECTIVE

To ensure that Reinforced Concrete Structural Works carry out safely and complies with safety requirement.


Referencehas been made to the following related documents for these works:

4.1          Project Documents and Specifications

Ensure all of the works comply with Specifications from client


Ensure all of the works comply with Specifications  from Supervising Structural  Consultant

(a Doc No.  SLJT1-Z05-C01-4-001   entitled "CIVI AND STRUCTURA SPECIFICATIONS"

4.2        In-house Safety Rules and Regulation of Main Conractor

Ensure all of the works comply with the relevant requirements of Main Contractor.

3        Safe Work Procedure for Reinforced Concrete Structural Works

Ensure the Reinforced Concrete Structural Works carried out according to Safe Work


4.4        Construction Drawings from Main Contractor

Ensure all the works carry out according to the latest approved Construction Drawings.

5           DEFINITIONS

6           PERSONNEL

The following personnel are engaged in Reinforced Concrete Structural work;

1.        Site Supervisor   - 4

2.         Formwork Safety Supervisor  - I

3.          Safety Coordinator -  1

4.         Confined Space Safety Assessor -  1

5.        Confined Space Supervisor  - (All Site Supervisor  attended Supervise work in CS)

6.        Work at Height Supervisor (All Site Supervisor attended WAH Supervisor)

7.          Lifting  Supervisor - 2

8.        Surveyor -  1

9.         Crane Operator - 2

10.        Rigger I Signalman  - 4

11.        Surveyor's Chainman -  1

12.        General Worker - 60

13.        Pump Truck Operator -  I

The number of supervision required depends on the size of working area and shall be adjusted accordingly.

All personnel shall be suitably qualified and experienced for tasks to be undertaken.

Additional task description for the key personnel is:

6.1        Safety Coordinator

•           Support and advise site management in their duty to implement company and site - specific

HSE policies and procedures

•           Assure the adequacy of site and Client's HSE procedures

           Assess the work to determine compliance with HSE policies and procedures promptly, communicating concerns and recommendations to managers or supervisors for their action
•           Take immediate action on any imminent dangerous situation observed

•           Advise and ensure the required personal protective equipment, safety equipment are provided and fit-for-use
•           Ensure adequate investigation and analysis of accidents (non-injury and injury)

           Provide HSE information for the education of management, supervision and employees concerned
           Ensuring preparation, submission and maintenance of required HSE record keeping documentation such as inspection reports, training records, equipment log, toolbox meeting records, etc

6.2         Site Supervisor

•           Ensure work is carried out complying with work method statement, permit to work and HSE


•           Plan each task with HSE as an integral part and conduct pre-job risk assessment of all work activities
•            Assign employees only to task for which they are trained and qualified

•            Monitor worker and work group performance for quality and safe work procedures

•           Correct any deficiencies noted and educate the worker to improve work methods

•           Report and investigate all non-injury and incidents and secure incident scene

•            Train the employees in safe work procedure

•            Inform employees of potential health hazards

•           Assure good housekeeping at all times

•           Encourage crew members to actively participate in the HSE program

•           Enforce company and project HSE policies at all times

6.3        Formwork  Safety Supervisor

•           Apply the WSH Act and its subsidiary legislations and relevant Codes of Practice to the construction, erection, alteration or dismantling of any formwork structure in a worksite
•           Assist in carrying out risk assessment for formwork activities

•           Apply the fundamentals of formwork structure construction on site

•           Ensure formwork structure construction is in accordance with approved design

•           Identifyjob hazards and apply control measures

•           Inspect formwork structure before, during and after concreting

•           Respond to failure in formwork structure, fire and emergencies

6.4       Confined  Space Safety Assessor (CSSA)

           A competent person appointed by the responsible person who has undergone and passed the confined space safety assessor course.
•          Ensure that a confined space entry permit has been issued in respect of the entry into or work in the confined space.
•           Ensure the description and location of the confined space is clearly indicated in the entry permit

•           Ensure that the purpose of entry into the confined space is clearly indicated specifying the natural of work or types of work t be carry out
          Conduct gas check prior to entry into confined space and the results of the gas testing of the atmosphere of the confined space shall be indicated clearly in the entry permit
•           Make sure the period of validity of permit is clearly indicated and brief to supervisor

•           Conduct regular gas check during the course of work in confined space.

6.5         Confined  Space Supervisor

•           A competent person appointed by the responsible person who has undergone and passed the

"Supervise  Work in  Confined Space Operation" course.

          Ensuring that confined space worker are briefed in the safety and health precautions to take prior to entry and work
•           Authorizing entry into confined spcaces

•           Ensuring that confined space workers adhere to entry procedures

          Implementing control and preventive measures to manage all identified hazards are implemented.
•           Applying the entry permit and have it endorsed by the Authorized Manager before commencement of confined space work
•           Terminating the entry permit after completion of work.

6.6         Working at Height Supervisor

•           A supervisor  who has undergone and passed "Working at Height course for Supervisor"

•                    To manage and direct the manner of work at the worksite in accordance with established procedures.
          The carry out WAH join inspection with WAH assessor to ensure all the safety measures and compliance are in place accordance with the WAH procedure.
•           Responsible for the safety and health of the workers working at height.

•           Ensure all control measures are adhered and implemented effectively on site before submitting the application of Permit-to-Work (PTW) to the assessor for evaluation.
           To inspect all type of fall preventing PPE I appliances and ensure that there are no defects and safe to use.
•           Ensure non-conformance is promptly rectified.

•           Ensure sub-contractors and workers attend working at daily  toolbox meeting and RA briefing.

6. 7        Lifting Supervisor

•           Wear brown helmet and fluorescent waistcoat with  "lifting  supervisor"  written on back

•           Coordinate all lifting activities

•                    Ensure that only registered crane operators, appointed riggers and appointed signalman participate in any lifting operation involving the use of a crawler or mobile crane
•           All loose lifting gear color coded

          Ensure that the ground condition are safe for any lifting operation  to be performed by any crawler or mobile crane
•           To supervise all lifting operations and ensure safe lifting procedures

           If any crane operator or rigger reports any unsatisfactory or unsafe conditions to him, take such measure to rectify the unsatisfactory or unsafe condition or otherwise
•           Provide barricade and warning signs

WMS/METHOD STATEMENT FOR RC STRUCTURAL WORKS                                                          Page  6

6.8         Rigger

•           Wear red helmet and fluorescent waistcoat with "Rigger" written on back

          Check the slings to be used for slinging the loads to ensure that the slings are of good construction,  sound and of suitable material, adequate strength and free from patent defect
•          Ensure that an adequate number of slings is used and that the sling angle is correct so as to prevent the sling from being overloaded during the hoisting
          Ascertain the weight of the load which is to be lifted and inform the crane operator of the weight of the load
•           Ensure that only proper lifting gears inspected and color coded are used in conjunction with the sling
•           Ensure that the load to be lifted is secure, stable and balanced

           Ensure that any loose load is placed in a receptacle to prevent the load or part thereof from falling during the lifting  operations
                    Place adequate padding at the edges of the load which come in contact with sling so as to prevent the sling from being damaged
•           Report any defect in the lifting gear to the lifting supervisor

6.9        Signalman

•           Wear red helmet  and fluorescent waistcoat  with  "signalman written on the back

•                    Ensure or verify with rigger that the load is properly rigged up before he gives a clear signal to the crane operator to lift the load
                    Give correct and clear signal to guide the crane operator in the maneuver of the load safety to its destination.


The following machinery shall be used for Reinforced Concrete Structural works:

•    Excavator
•     Air compressor
•     Welding Generator
•    Tower Crane (By HDEC)
•    Crawler Crane
•    Lorry Crane
•    Dump truck
•     Concrete Pump Truck

The following equipment shall be used for Reinforced Concrete Structural works:

•     Electrical breaker

•     Pneumatic Breaker

•     Circular saw

•     Grinding machine

•     Concrete bucket

•     Diesel engine vibrator

•     Rebar cutting & bending machine

•     Miscellaneous small hand held tools - provide as necessary

8           MATERIALS

The followings materials shall be used for Reinforced Concrete Structural works:

•      Plywood as formwork

•      Reinforcement Bar (Supplied by HDEC)

•      Concrete (Supplied by HDEC)

•      Others materials which applicable

9           PROCEDURES

9.1         General

(a)          Toolbox  Meeting   I Risk  Assessment   Briefin shall  be conducted  and  all personnel   have better understandin of safe work procedure  before  start work.
(b)          All works  shall be performed  by properly  trained  and experienced   personnel   familiar  with their respective  work  scope.
(c)           Subcon shall  prepare  proper  and  adequate   PPE  (safety  helmet,    safety  shoes,   hand  gloves,  safety goggles,   safety  harness,  safety masks,   ear plugs  etc.)   for all employees  before  mobilization.
( d)         Subcon shall  conform   to  HSE  standard   while   movin machiner and  equipment   from  yard  to worksite.
(e)          Subcon  shall ensure   working  area is always  in good housekeeping  condition.

(f)       Subcon's  surveyor  shall set out the  gridline   and reference  level   of the proposed  work.

(g)          During  the course  of work,  ongoing  survey  and marking  shall be carried  out to ensure  structural works  constructe according  to the design  drawing.
(h)          Upon  completion   of the  works a joint   survey  of  the  area  and  level  shall  be carried  out  with main contractor  and consultant  to confirm  that the works  are done  as  per the design drawing  and levels.   As built survey  for built up structural  element  will be done  for cross checking  and record.
(i)            All works  shall be performed  by personne familiar  with their respective   scope.

9.2         Lean Concrete  Work  (For Pilecap, Ground Beam and Base Slab)

(j)           Upon  completio of excavation,   level and compact  the ground at the proposed  RC Structure location.
(k)          Install  side forms  around  the proposed  RC  Structure  with additional  working  space  along  the perimeter.
(1)             Site Supervisor   shall check and ensure  the lean  concrete  level  is  correct  before  casting  work

(m)        Ensure   there  is  extra  working  space  allowanc (extending  at least  1 OOmm from the edge of the

RC Structure)  allowed  during preparation   of lean concrete  works

(n)          Excavator  I crane  shall use for the casting  of lean concrete  base.

(o)           Pour concrete  and level  smoothly  the  surface.  Wait 24 hours  before  removing  of side formwork of lean  concreting.
(p)           Ensure  that workers  must  be away from the concrete  bucket  while discharging   concrete  for the lean concrete.
(q)          Ensure  workers  involved   in the concreting  works must  wear  proper PPE.

9.3          Survey and Setting Out - Markingof StructurlaLine on top of Concrete Surface

(a)                      Survey  controls   for thproject  to be based on a registered  surveyor's   control  points  established on the site and must match  to existing  plant grids.
(b)                      Setting   out of structural   element    and  casting  level   for  structures  will   be carried  out  by subcontractor's surveyor  progressively.
( c)         Surveyor  shall mark the line of the structures  on top of concrete  surface.

(d)          Site Supervisor  shall carry verification   of structural  line (example  dimension)  prior  to placing   of reinforcement   and formwork.

9.4        Installation of ReinforcementBar

(a)           All  reinforcement   bar  shall  be prefabricated   from  factory   and  deliver    to  site by trailer  I lorry crane.
(b)         Reinforcement   bar shall be unloaded  to the designated  storage  area and properly  barricade.

(c)                        Site  Supervisor  shall  identify  the  required  length  and sizes  of reinforcement   bar to be installed for the purpose  of shifting   and transfer  to working  area.
(d)           After  identified,   reinforcemen bar shall then be shifted  to working  area by lifting using  of crane or by manual  handling  in  buddy  system  within  personnel  capacity.
(e)           Identify   the  reinforcement    bar  required   for  pilecap,   ground   beam,   slab   and  wall  rebar Lay reinforcement   bar according  to the design  and spacing  required.  Column  I pedestal  or any others structural  cormection  which  required  starter  bar or coupler  shall be installed.
(f)            Colunm  reinforcemen bar shall be prefabricated   to the required  cage and height  as per design   at designated   storage area and shift  to the installation  location  for installation.
(g)           Installatio of  column  reinforcement    bar  and  shifting    of  superstructur beam,   wall  and  slab reinforcemen bar shall be carry  out by crane guided  by lifting  crews.

(h)        Install column reinforcement  bar to the  starter  bar  from foundation/stump considering  the concrete cover and lapping length  specified  in the drawings or specification.   If reinforcement bars to be installed needs protrusion as starter bars for the next stage of work, lap length must be based on the specifications and drawings.
(i)           For superstructure  beam and slab,  reinforcement bar shall be shifted  and lifted to the working area after the completion of soffit formwork.
U)         Identify the reinforcement  bar required for  each  beam and slab  and  lay reinforcement bar according to the design and spacing required.
(k)        To ensure workers would carry fabricated reinforcement bar within their capacity during the installation  of reinforcement bar.
(I)         Reinforcement bar shall be fixed with galvanizing tie wire to secure it position

(m)       Educate workers to plan properly where to position themselves while fixing reinforcement bar in order for them to have sufficient space for body movement
(n)        Ensure protruding sharp edge shall be protected.

(o)        Ensure reinforcement bar shall not be keep near to the edge of working platform where there is a risk of falling object.
(p)        Site Supervisor shall brief workers on the proper posture and handling of reinforcement bar

(q)        Proper working platform such as scaffolding shall be provided for the installation of column, wall and beam rebar if required.

9.5        Installation and Dismantlingof Formwork

(a)        Mark the position  of the proposed RC  structures  on the concrete surface to ensure  correct location I size of the formwork.
(b)          Fabricate formwork  according to the dimensions  specified in the  drawing with  appropriate bracing support. Formwork could be made of timber and plywood or steel  materials.
(c)        Install formwork for the pilecap, ground beam and slab with proper support.

(d)        Provide binding support to the formwork cage with sufficient spacing.

(e)        For superstructure column,  formwork will be fabricated into four pieces  of form and install to the column location piece by piece.
(f)         If superstructure column I beam fonnwork cannot be installing by manual handling, crane shall used to lift, install and shift the formwork to the required location.

(g)        For superstructure beam and slab,  ensure proper soffit support before installing soffit formwork.

U-Jack,  timber and GI pipe shall be used as soffit support.   A Professional Engineer (PE) shall be engaged to design a formwork structure including falsework if:
>  Supporting a slab or beam to be cast that is greater than 300  mm thick
>  the structure is greater than 9m in height
>  construct in 2 or more tiers

(h)        Leveof column, beam and slab shall be transferred from the  reference  level provided by surveyor.
(i)                 Secure formwork to the concrete surface I soffit support timber by nailing using concrete nail follow by all necessary support such as tie rods with nuts, inner unit and etc.  Ensure sufficient supports and braces at the sides to prevent buckling or movement especially during concrete compaction using vibrators. Conduct inspection before proceed with concrete casting by Formwork Safety Supervisor.
(j)          Site  Supervisor shall  ensure formwork installed must be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss of grout from the concrete at all stages of placing and vibrating.
(k)        All holes shall be closed to prevent loss  of grout from the concrete during concreting.

(1)            Additional support  materials such as tie rods with nuts and washers shall be use  to secure  the formwork if the RC Structure required  large  amount of concrete pouring and high pressure during concreting.
(m)        Ensure routine check on the sizes and support of formwork.

(n)        Ensure to call for inspection of formworks before concreting works.  Any rectification work shall be carried out immediately if found. Dust or unwanted material shall be cleared.
(o)       For fonnwork or falsework which required PE Design,  a joint inspection shall be conduct with PE,  Site Engineer and Formwork Supervisor  prior to concrete casting  with the  issuance  of Certificate of Supevision(COS) by the PE.
(p)         After concreting, formwork shall be removed after attaining  the minimum time for curing as per specification or RTO I RE instruction.
(q)       After  striking fonnwork,  any honeycomb  surface and defective  or  damaged concrete works shall be made good immediately.  Also holes formed by tie bars shall be filled with mortar.
(r)        To remove protruding or scattered nails after removal of formwork.

(s)        Ensure proper housekeeping after striking fonnwork to provide proper access to working area.

9.6        Installation of Embedded  Items (Steel,M&E&I)

(a)        After formwork in place and before it is fully closed,  embedded steel and M&E&I items shall be install before closing  the formwork.
(b)        Site supervisor shall identify the location of embedded item,  required sizes of embedded items and level of embedded items before installation.
(c)        Install embedded items according to the design drawing by nailing or using wire to secure it to the inner face of the formwork.
(d)        Embedded and M&E&I cast in items shall be inspected by HDEC M&E&I engineers prior to concreting or closing of formwork to ensure it is correctly installed.

9.7         Installation of PVC Water  Stop

(a)        For basement, underground structures or water retaining structures which required

waterproofing work,  water stop shall be installed in between the construction joint of each stage of concreting.
(b)        Water stop used shall accordance to the approval from WP and SCC.

(c)        Provision  of kicker of 1 OOmm to l 50mm high shall be allowed for the installation of water stop

(d)        Use of G.I wires or other means of securing to secure the water stop at the center of wall where half depth of the water stop shall lay inside the kicker and half depth of the water stop shall be exposed for the next concreting.
(e)        If water stop required to be joined for the continuing length,  it shall be carry out according to the manufacturer recommendation.
(f)          The ends of water stop to be joined are cut square and held in aligmnent. The ends are then pressed to both side of a special heated blade until an even,  molten bead of Polyvinylchloride appears around the section.  The heated blade is then removed and the molten ends pressed fully together.
(g)          Ensure the joint is properly joined and no hole in between the joint.

(h)        Surface of water stop to receive second stage of concreting shall be cleaned prior to casting.

9.7         Concreting Works

(a)        The structure to be cast must be inspected and approved by HDEC and WP.

(b)         Where a formwork structure is designed by a Professional  Engineer, placement of concrete shall not commence unless the formwork structure, including any alteration has been inspected and certified safe for its intended use by a Professional Engineer.
(c)        Prior to the placing of concrete, formwork must be cleaned and well wetted and somextra measures shall be taken to protect the concrete during rainy condition.
(d)        Placing of concrete to the casting structure shall be carry out in a proper way which does not cause segregation or otherwise impair the quality of the concrete.
(e)         During  concreting,  the  formwork system  should  be  regularly monitored  by the  formwork supervisor  for movement,  stability ansoundness.  The formwork supervisor and any other workers should not work under or in close vicinity  of the formwork structure while the pouring of concrete is in progress.
(f)                        Concrete pump,  concrete bucket, excavator or concrete pails in pouring concrete shall be used depend on site condition. When using concrete bucket,  a crane shall be used to lift it to the correct location guided by lifting crews.
(g)         Chute or extension hose shall be used on narrow and high structure to prevent  spillage of concrete.
(h)        Place concrete in uniform layers or in sequence that would prevent cold joints.

(i)         Compact and vibrate poured concrete with vibrators until concrete fully settlement.

U)         Ensure no over vibrate to the concrete to avoid segregation between coarse and fine aggregates. (k)        Level the surface of the poured concrete to the desired  lines and gradient.  Finishes shall  be in
according to the drawings and specifications.

(I)         Ensure workers involved in the concreting works must wear proper PPE.

(m)      Concrete curing agent shall be applied after the concrete has cured to avoid excessive heat loss and cause crack to the concrete surface.
(n)        If concrete surface required surface hardener, it shall be carry out by others.


(a)        Trail  mixes   for  the  design   concrete  strength  shall  be  done.  Test  results  shall  meet  the requirements or specification for concrete.

(b)                 Slump test shall be done to the delivered  concrete and once slump  requirement is met, cube samples are to be taken for compressive test on 7u1   & 28th  days.  Cubes samples are to be treated on a cube tank filled with water till its testing date and to be carefully transported to the approved test laboratory for Compressive Strength Test.
(c)        Waterproofing  concrete with Xypex  Admix-ClOOONF   shall be  adopted for basement  slab, perimeter  RC walls and columns, bunker base slab, perimeter RC walls and columnscable chamber/trench base slab,  perimeter RC walls and columns up to below ground slab/pilecap level.

10        PROGRAMMES

The overall programme shall be prepared base on the construction schedule  with input from HDEC and


Subcontractor's  workers  shall  comply  with  the  requirements  of  this   method  statement, Main Contractor's Safety Management  Plan  and Singapore's local  authorities.

Subcontractors shall also be required, before starting works, to submit to HDEC safety officer, documentation confirming their compliance  with these required requirements. Valid certificates for machinery and  equipment and personnel (i.e,  site  supervisors, machine operators etc) shall also be submitted.

The following items also from part of our safety and precautionary measures:

•     PPE: all personnel shall comply with  the basic protective wear of safety helmet with chinstrap, clear glassewith side shield,  safety boots with steel toe lining and long sleeves shirts.  Leather hand gloves, earplugs and safety harness shall be worn as per task specific.
•     Lifting Method:   All lifting machines and lifting gears to be used shall be tested by third party authorized  testing  centre  with  valid  certificates.  Only  persons  who  are  certificated,  licensed, authorized and appointed shall be allowed to operate & work in the area.

     Daily  equipment and  lifting gears  inspection shall  be  carried  out by the  operator  and  lifting supervisor.
    First  aid: Site Supervisors shall inform workers concerning the location of the nearest  first aid facilities.
•     Tool Box Meeting and RA briefing: Site Supervisors shall conduct daily tool box meeting with  all subcontractor's staff and workers to re- affirm the requirement of the risk assessment items.
     Work Permit System:  A Work Permit System is also  in place whereby all activities to be performed are identified and the safety requirements satisfied  before getting  approval  from main contractor.
        Housekeeping:  Site Supervisors and foreman shall instruct and instill in workers the habit of doing daily housekeeping at the end of each working day. All waste and unused materials  of different types shall be placed in different bins accordingly.  (i.e. do not mix organic with inorganic wastes)


subcontractor's workers shall comply with the requirements of Workplace Safety and Health

(Work at heights) Regulations prior to carry out any working at height.

Fall Prevention Plan (FPP) and Permit-to-Work (PTW) shall be complied accordance to Main contractors Work at

Height Procedures prior to start any Work at Height (WAH) activities.

All supervisors  and workers  shall undergo necessary Working at Height training  provided by MOM

approved training provider prior to start any Work at Height (WAH) activities.


subcontractor's workers  shall comply with the requirements of Code of Practice for Confined

Space prior to carry out any work which require entry into confined space.

Confined space written procedures shall be established for control of entry into a confined space. The written procedures shall include evaluation of the necessity and the purpose to enter a confined space, risk  assessment,   measures  for eliminating or controlling  the hazards,   entry permit  system, types of atmospheric testing and means to prevent unauthorized entry including the display of warning signs.

All supervisors  and  workers  including  assessor shall  undergo necessary Confined  Space Operation training provided by MOM approved training provider prior to start any confined space activities.

WMS/METHODSTATEMENT FOR RC STRUCTURAL WORKS                                                        Page  17

12                 RISK ASSESSMENT As attached separately.

13         APPENDICES

•    Lifting Plan of Reinforcement Bar, Formwork and Concrete Bucket
•     Sample of Falsework Support Drawing
•     Propping/re-propping and backpropping method

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