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Monday, 15 August 2016

BORED PILING: Civil & Structural Piling Specifications Part 3- MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP

3.         MATERIALS

3.1       Source of Materials

Do not change sources of supply until it has been demonstrated that the materials from the new source can meet all the specified requirements.

Remove from site any material that fails to comply with the specification.

3.2       Drilling Fluid

3.2.1     General Requirement

Where drilling fluid is used it is to be such as to:

a.        Provide continuous support of the excavation b.        Be easily displaced during concreting
c.        Not pollute the ground at any stage

d.        Not coat the reinforcement such as to impair the steel/concrete bond

Drilling fluid including Bentonite supplied to the site and prior to mixing is to be in accordance with API Specification 13A 5th Edition (1993) Drilling Fluid.

3.3       Water

Water used for the construction is to be clean and free from harmful matter in solution or suspension.

If taken from a source other than the Public Utilities Board, water is to be tested in accordance with BS EN 1008.

3.4       Concrete

Refer to section C3-10, clause 3.0 for general requirement of concrete.

3.5       Grout

Grout containing fine aggregate may be used in place of concrete. Constituents are to be water, ordinary Portland cement, fine aggregate where permitted and admixtures subject to agreement.

3.5.1   Minimum Cement Content
Minimum cement content is to be 390kg/m3  for concrete to be placed under water or drilling fluid by tremie method.

3.5.2   Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate is to be in accordance with grading C or M of SS 31 (1998) Table 6.

3.6       Reinforcement

Refer to section C3-20, clause 3.0 for general requirements of reinforcement.

3.7        Temporary Casings

Unless otherwise agreed with the SO, temporary casings of accepted quality or an accepted alternative method is to be used to maintain the stability of pile excavation. Propose to SO’s acceptance, the depth, size and thickness of casing to be provided.

Temporary casings are to be free from significant distortion. They are to be of uniform cross-section throughout each continuous length. During concreting they are to be free from internal projections and encrusted concrete, which might prevent proper formation of the piles.

                                                                                                                                                                             C4-10 Bored Piling Piles

3.8      Permanent Steel Casings

When permanent casings are required, use S275 steel sections in compliance with BS EN 10210.

EN 10210.

                                                                                                                                                                             C4-10 Bored Piling Piles


4.1     General Workmanship Requirements

Ensure the equipment set up and installation procedures are in conformance with SS CP
4: 2003.

4.1. Depth of Penetration

Install each pile to the designated penetration as indicated in the drawings or as adjusted as a result of the design verification check.

4.1. Socketing of End Bearing Piles

For all piles indicated as end bearing in the drawings or schedules, form a socket of depth at least 1m or 1 times diameter, whichever is larger, into the material that meets the founding conditions, unless indicated in the drawings or modified as a result of the verification check in clause 1.4.1, as approved by the SO.

4.1. Pile Toe

Adopt a construction method, which ensures that the soil below the pile is not softened. Ensure that no drilling fluid or slurry remains at the base of the pile.

4.1. Continuity of Construction

4.1.4. Time for Excavation and Concreting

Each pile is to be excavated and concreted within twenty-four hours from the start of excavation below any temporary casing.

Where this time restraint cannot reasonably be met, set out an alternative in the method statement together with an estimate of the likely effect on the performance and capacity of the pile.

4.1.4. Construction without temporary casing

A pile constructed in a stable cohesive soil without the use of temporary casing or other form of support is to be bored and concreted without prolonged delay and in any case soon enough to ensure that the performance of the pile is not impaired.

4.2     Trial Bores

Conduct trial bores to confirm the ground conditions and the feasibility of the proposed method of installation.

Agree with the SO on the location, depth and size of the trial bores.

4.3     Boring Excavation

4.3. General

Submit a detailed method statement clarifying the procedure for installing the bored piles including the method of overcoming any obstructions encountered and drilling through hard rock for SOs acceptance. The method of excavation is to ensure no soil collapse in the bored holes. Do not commence working pile excavation before method of excavation is accepted.

Carry out boring excavation generally using boring or reversed circulation drilling equipment operating at the existing ground level.

Provide temporary steel casing and drilling fluid if necessary to support the excavation. Ensure the extreme dimensions (teeth to teeth) of the boring bucket or auger is not smaller than the specified pile diameter.

Do not dewater within the excavated bored holes.

4.3. Boring Proximity

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Do not bore so close to piles that have been recently cast which contain workable or partially set concrete that a flow of concrete or instability could be induced or damage sustained by any previously formed piles.

Boring is to be kept clear from a minimum distance of 5 times pile diameter from a newly cast pile within 24 hours after casting.

4.3. Ground Conditions

Report to the SO immediately any apparent variance in the ground conditions from those reported or might have been inferred from reports.

4.3. Rock Socketing and Obstructions

When socketing through rock had been called for or in the event of encountering obstructions below ground level during boring, use reverse circulation drilling method, chiseling or propose other means for SOs acceptance to bore through the obstruction or rock.

Should  the  reverse  circulation  drilling  method  fail  to  clear  the  obstruction  or  rock, propose and employ other methods including predrilling with coring to assist in the clearing of the obstructions.

4.3. Temporary Casing

Unless otherwise agreed, provide a temporary casing of appropriate size and length to support the excavation. Use low vibration equipment to install and extract casing for bores in built-up areas. Refer to design drawings for vibration limits.

4.3. Pumping from Pile Excavation

Do not pump from a pile excavation unless a casing has been placed into a stable stratum, which prevents the flow of water from other strata in significant quantities into the boring, or unless it can be shown that pumping will not have detrimental effect on the surrounding soil or property.

4.3. Determining Penetration Depth

Verify soil extracted as consistent with design assumptions in accordance with clause
1.4.1 above. Terminate boring at the level indicated in the drawings, subject to modifications as a result of verification check in clause 1.4.1. and to SOs approval.
Keep  soil samples drilled at  strata change and at  2m  intervalfor  records,  unless otherwise indicated in PSD.  The samples shall be  stored in  a  safe place  which  is
sheltered from sunlight and rain.

                                                                                                                                                                             C4-10 Bored Piling Piles

4.4     Use of Drilling Fluid

4.4. Proposal for Use

Propose to the SOs acceptance on the need to use drilling fluid. If acceptable, propose suitable type and method of drilling fluid to be used.

4.4. Storage

Store solid additives in separate waterproof stores or containers, which will prevent the materials from becoming contaminated.

4.4. Use

Use in accordance with the manufacturers instructions unless there is a demonstrable reason to do otherwise.

4.4. Mixing

Mix drilling fluid thoroughly with clean fresh water to make a suspension, which will maintain the stability of the pile excavation for the period necessary to place concrete and complete construction.

Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, take special precautions to modify the drilling fluid suspension or prehydrate the drilling fluid in fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respects for the construction of piles.

4.4. Stability of Pile Excavation Using Drilling Fluid

Where the use of  drilling fluid is accepted for maintaining  the stability of  a boring, maintain the level of the fluid in the excavation so that the fluid pressure always exceeds the pressures exerted by the soils and groundwater. Use an adequate temporary casing in conjunction with the method to ensure stability of the strata near ground level until concrete has been placed.

Maintain the fluid level at a level not less than 2m above the level of the groundwater unless otherwise agreed.

In the event of a rapid loss of drilling fluid from the pile excavation, backfill the excavation without delay and inform the SO immediately. Obtain directions from the SO before excavation at that location is resumed.

4.4. Spillage and Disposal

Take all reasonable steps to prevent the spillage of drilling fluid suspension on the site in areas outside the immediate vicinity of boring. Remove discarded drilling fluid from the site without delay. Disposal of  drilling fluid is to comply with the regulations othe appropriate authority.

4.5      Cleanliness of Pile Bases

On completion of boring and immediately prior to casting, remove all loose, disturbed or remoulded soil or rock from the base of the pile while avoiding disturbance to the ground below the base. Maintain the stability of the bore at all times, using appropriate levels of support fluid as required.

4.6      Reinforcement

4.6. General

Refer to section C3-20, clause 4.0.

4.6. Fixing

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Keep the number of joints in the longitudinal bars to a minimum. Arrange the joints such that the full strength of each bar is effective.

Ensure the reinforcement cages are sufficiently rigid to enable them to be handled, placed and concreted without damage.

Welding is to be in accordance with BS 7123.

4.6. Placing

Lower the steel reinforcement accurately into position with sufficient spacer blocks to ensure the correct cover is maintained at all times. Spacer blocks are to be of suitable durability. Allow a vertical tolerance of +150/-50mm on the level of the reinforcement projecting above the cut-off level.

4.6. Cover to Reinforcement

Ensure cover provided comply with SS CP 65 and SS CP 4, unless otherwise indicated in the drawings.

4.7      Pile Casting

Read these clauses in conjunction with section C3-10, clause 4.1 to 4.3.

4.7. General

Adopt a method of placing, and a suitable workability of the concrete, so as to form a continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section.

Place the concrete without such interruption as would allow the workability of the previously placed batch to have deteriorated significantly. The method of placing is to be accepted by the SO. If necessary, incorporate an accepted set retarding additive into the mix in order to ensure extended workability of the concrete after placement.

Take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the concrete to avoid arching of the concrete in a casing.

Prevent contamination of the concrete by spoil, liquid or other foreign matter.

4.7. Workability of Concrete

Use slump testing for mixes with workability type A as in Table 4.7.2 below. Use flow testing as alternative workability test for higher workability mixes if practical, submit proposals for SOs acceptance.

Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile shaft or at the time of discharge into the concrete pump hopper is to be in accordance with the standards shown in the table below, unless otherwise agreed.

Do not use a concrete pump to place tremie concrete directly into the pile shaft.

Table 4.7.2

Class     of
Target flow
Typical condition of use

Not applicable
Place into   water-free   or   permanentl lined   shaft;
reinforcement spaced at not less than 100mm centres
Where reinforcement is spaced at less than 600mm, or pile bore I water free and less than 600mm diameter
Where concrete is to be placed by tremie under drilling fluid

                                                                                                                                                                             C4-10 Bored Piling Piles

4.7.5. Delay in Concreting Operation

Should a delay or breakdown occur during the concreting operation, which in the opinion of the SO could cause a cold joint, entrapment of laitance in the tremie concrete, or otherwise lead to defective concrete, abandon the concrete placing.   Ensure that an adequate supply of concrete to the tremie is available at all times so that placement is continuous.

4.7. Monitoring of Concrete Level During Pile Casting

For each truckload of concrete discharged, counter-check the rise in concrete level against the expected increase. A graph showing the theoretical and placed concrete volumes is to be plotted against depth during concreting and submitted to SO for confirmation. If the rise in concrete level is found to be higher than it is physically possible with the amount of concrete discharged, demonstrate the integrity of the pile to the satisfaction of the SO.

4.7. Pile Head Casting Level Tolerances

4.7.7. Piles cast in dry bores with temporary casing

Cast  pile  heads  to  level  above  the  specified  cut-off  so  that  sound  concrete connection can be made after trimming. The casting level is to be 0.75m to 1.0m above the cut-off level.

In the event of the ground water level being higher than the required pile head casting level shown on the Drawings, submit proposals for acceptance prior to placing concrete. Do not leave the pile head below the ground water level unless acceptable precautions are taken.

4.7.7. Piles Cast in Dry Bores with Permanent Lining Tubes or Casings

Where permanent lining tubes or casings are used to where the cut-off is in stable ground below the base of any casing used, cast pile heads to a level above the specified cut-off so that a sound concrete connection can be made after trimming.  The casting level is to be 0.75 to 1.0m above the cut-off level.

Where Cut-off levels are specified below the standing groundwater level, do not reduce the borehole fluid level below the standing groundwater level until the concrete has set.

4.7. Extraction of Casing

4.7.8. General

Remove the casing in such a manner that no defect or damage will be sustained by the newly cast piles.

4.7.8. Workability of Concrete

Extract temporary casings before the initial setting time of the concrete expires and when the concrete remains sufficiently workable to ensure that it is not lifted. Should a semi-dry mix have been accepted for formed piles, submit the means of ensuring that the semi-dry concrete does not lift during extraction of the casing.

During extraction maintain the motion of the casing in the axial direction of the pile.

4.7.8. Concrete Level

When the casing is being extracted, maintain a sufficient quantity of concrete within it to ensure that pressure from external water, drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that the pile is neither reduced in section nor contaminated.

Do not place concrete in the boring once the bottom of the casing has been lifted above the top of the concrete; place it continuously as the casing is extracted until the desired head of concrete is obtained.

                                                                                                                                                                             C4-10 Bored Piling Piles

Take adequate precautions in all cases where excess heads of water or drilling fluid could be caused as the casing is withdrawn because of the displacement of water or fluid by the concrete as it flows into its final position against the walls of the shaft.  Where two or more discontinuous lengths of casing (double casing) are used in the construction, the proposed method of working is to be acceptable to the SO.

4.7. Overbreak

Ensure that the method of construction does not cause an overbreak of larger than100% of the nominal pile concrete volume. Where the overbreak is larger than 100%,the pile is deemed  to  be  defective.  Propose  suitable  remedial  measures  includingload  tests justifying the capacity of the piles for SOs acceptance.

4.8      Backfilling Empty Boring

After each pile has been cast, backfill any empty bore remaining carefully as soon aspossible with acceptable materials. Ensure the method of discharging is accepted bythe SO and in a manner that will not affect the integrity of the completed pile.

4.9      Grouting of Piles

4.9. Specific Requirement for Pile Base Grouting

( Not in use )

4.9. Grout

4.9.2. Batching

Maintain weighing and water dispensing mechanisms to the levels of accuracy stipulated in BS 1305. Measure the moisture contents of aggregates immediately before mixing.

4.9.2. Mixing

Mix all ingredients thoroughly to produce a homogeneous mix. After mixing, pass mix through a 5mm aperture sieve and use within 30 minutes.

4.9.2. Transporting

Transport so as to avoid segregation of the mix.

4.9. Method of Grouting

The method adopted is to be such that all requirements of the specification in regard to load-settlement behaviour and pile uplift during grouting are met.

4.9. Grout Tubes

Test the tubes to ensure that leakage at the joints does not occur under pressure. Protect the tops of the tubes during and after grouting.

Clean  the  tubes  by  flushing  with  water  after  grouting  is  complete.  Re-grout  if  the specified uplift or target pressures are not achieved.

Monitor the grout pressure during all operations.

4.9. Pile Uplift

Monitor the uplift of piles during grouting using an appropriate monitoring device and reference frame. During base grouting the pile uplift is to be within the range 0.2 to

4.10    Tolerances

4.10.1 Setting Out

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Establish all lines, levels and be responsible for the correct positions of all piles. Carryout setting out from the main grid lines of the proposed structure. Immediately beforeinstallation of the pile, mark the pile position with suitable identifiable pins or markers. Casing position

Check the casing position during and after placing the casing.

4.10.2 Position

The maximum permitted deviation at cut off level of the pile centre from the centre point shown on the setting out drawing is to be 75 mm in any direction. A survey of the eccentricity of each pile and the pile group is to be carried out by a Licensed Surveyor, with the results submitted to the SO within 14 days or as directed after the pile has been trimmed to its cut-off level.

4.10.3 Verticality

For vertical piles, the maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the vertical is
1 in 75.

4.10.4 Rake

For raked piles, the piling rig is to be set and maintained to attain the required rake. The maximum permitted deviation of the finished pile from the specified rake is 1 in25.

4.10.5 Pile Diameter

The  cross-sectional  dimension  of  the  pile  is  not  to  be  less  than  specified.  Check theauger width as required and record for each pile to ensure the specified diameter isachieved.

Allow a tolerance of 5% on the auger width. Enlarged Pile Bases

Enlarged bases formed mechanically is to be not less than the specified dimensions and concentric with the pile shaft within a tolerance of 10% of the shaft diameter.

The angle between the sloping (upper) surface of the base and the axis of the pile is not to exceed 35° and at the specified diameter of the base at the perimeter the thickness of the base is not to be less than 150mm.

4.11    Protection to Piles

Ensure that, during the course of the work, no damage or displacement, which could impair performance or durability, occurs to the completed piles.

Do not bore nor drive pile casing nearer than five times its diameter (measured centre to centre) from an unfilled pile excavation or from an uncased concrete pile where the concrete has been in place less than 24 hours.

4.11.1 Undesirable Imposed Forces

Do not subject installed piles to any forces (direct or indirect) prior to their incorporation into the superstructure unless accepted by the SO.

Cracks, tilting or bending of piles are sufficient evidence that undesirable forces had been imposed on the piles.

4.12    Replacement of Piles

4.12.1 Rejection of Piles

Any piles cracked, deformed, twisted or suspected to be damaged in anyway or not installed within the specified tolerance is to be rejected at the discretion of the SO.

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4.12.2 Remedial Proposals

In the event of pile rejected, propose remedial measures including replacing the rejected piles or supplement by substitute piles for SOs acceptance.

Propose the details of modification of design to the pile caps, any required compensating piles, and other measures as necessary. All proposals are to be endorsed by a PE.

4.13    Cleaning Up

Remove from the site periodically during the works and on completion all unnecessary plant, rubbish and debris resulting from the activities.

4.14    Non-Performance of Working Piles

Notify the SO if the performance of any pile is expected to be less than that of a similar pile whose test behaviour has been accepted.

4.15    Cutting Off Pile Heads

On completion of installation of piles, cut off the piles to the required level as shown on the Drawings and to a tolerance of ±20 mm unless otherwise agreed.

Where a pile has been formed below the required cut-off level, build up the deficient portion and ensure the reinforcement is to project for a minimum length as stipulated below. Submit the method of cutting the pile heads for SOs acceptance.

Take care to avoid shattering or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Cut away any cracked or defective concrete and make good with new concrete properly bonded to the old.

Table 4.15 Minimum Bond Length

Grade of Pile Cap Concrete
40 or more
High Tensile Steel
(fy= 460 N//mm2)
Mild Steel
(fy= 250 N/mm2)
D = nominal diameter of bar.

4.16    Noise and Disturbance

Carry out the work in such a manner as to minimize noise, vibration and other disturbance. Comply with all current regulations and environmental controls.

4.17    Final Survey and As-Built Drawing

On completion of the trimming to cut-off-levels of the piles, engage a registered land surveyor to survey and prepare a survey plan and as-built drawing showing the position, cut off level, founding levels and eccentricity of the piles.

Allow for the survey plans to be taken in batches and to carry out the survey work on several visits. Submit within timing and format as directed by the SO.

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