5.1 General Submissions
5.1.1 Proposals
Submit the following proposals for SO’s acceptance prior to commencing any work:
a. Proposals to deal with noise and vibration.
b. The proposed testing sequence and programme including the anticipated time required for
installation of the preliminary test piles.
c. Details of the proposed temporary support and reaction system where needed.
Including design of Kentledge and other reaction piles. All design to be endorsed
by PE (Civil).
d. Details of any safety provision.
e. Details of the equipment to be used for
f. Details of the action that would be taken to stabilise an excavation during the
progress of a pile test.
g. CVs of personnel involved.
h. Method statement of loading arrangement
and testing procedure. i. Method statement
the Installation of instrumentations.
j. Method statement for dynamic load test. k.
Method statement for integrity tests.
5.1.2 Measures Against Fraud
Submit measures
to prevent preloading
of the test
pile and tempering of
equipment and gauges for SO’s acceptance.
5.1.3 Certificates and Calibration Records
Submit all testing equipment calibration records and certificates for acceptance prior to
conducting any test:
a. Calibration certificates for measuring devices e.g. pressure gage, load cells and
dial gauges, strain gage and accelerometer and etc.
b. Calibration
O-cell(s), Vibration
Displacement Transducer(s),
Hydraulic Pressure Transducer(s) (for
Osterberg Cell assembly).
5.1.4 Testing Programme
Inform the SO of testing for the following day and give adequate notice of any intention to work outside normal hours and at weekends.
5.1.5 Quality Control Plan
Prepare and submit the quality control plan for SO’s acceptance prior
starting work.
5.2 Preliminary Test Piles
5.2.1 Records
Submit the
SO’s review at least
to the
commencement of any preliminary pile testing.
a. Boring and concreting records of
preliminary pile
C4-30 Bored Piling Piles
b. Results of concrete cube tests of
preliminary pile
c. Details of the
reinforcement cage,
including depth
the reinforcement laps
5.2.2 Boring/Driving Record
For each preliminary pile, make a detailed record of the soils encountered during boring, or of the progress during driving at every 0.5m penetration and submit
the SO daily.
5.2.3 Concrete Test Cubes
Make three
test cubes from the concrete used in each of the preliminary
piles. If a concrete cap is cast separately from the preliminary pile, make a further three cubes from this concrete.
Make the cubes and test in accordance with SS78.
Do not start the pile test until the sample cubes
acquired strength such that the applied direct stress is less than 0.5 times the cube strength. This requirement
applies to both the pile and pile cap.
5.3 Results of Static Gravity and Lateral Load Tests
5.3.1 Initial Results
Submit results as a summary to the SO within 24 hours of the completion of the test unless otherwise directed, include the following information:
a. for
a working load test by
maintained load for
each stage of loading, the period for
which the load was held,
load and the maximum settlement
or uplift recorded.
b. for CRU test, the maximum load reached and a graph of load against penetration
or load against uplift.
5.3.2 Schedule of
Recorded Data
Submit the completed schedule of recorded data within seven days of completion of the
test. Provide information about
loading test as
follows where applicable. General
a. Site location
b. Contract and client identification
c. Proposed structure on which the pile supports
d. Main Contractor and
Piling Contractor
e. Supervisors f. Date of test Pile Details
All types of pile
a. Identification (number and location)
b. Position relative to adjacent piles
c. Relative position within the site
d. Brief description of location (e.g. in cofferdam, in cutting, over water)
e. Ground level at pile position
f. Head level at which test load is applied
g. Type of pile (e.g. precast reinforced concrete, steel H, bored in place, driven in
place, composite type)
C4-30 Bored Piling Piles
h. Vertical or raking, compression or tension
i. Shape and size of cross-section of pile, position of change in cross-section. j. Shoe or base details
k. Head details
l. Length in ground m. Level of toe
n. Any permanent
casing or core
Concrete Piles
o. Concrete mix
p. Aggregate type and source
q. Cement type
r. Slump
s. Cube test results for pile and cap t. Date of casting
u. Reinforcement
Steel Piles
v. Steel quality
w. Coating
x. Filling Installation Details
All Piles
a. Dates and times of boring, driving and concreting of test pile and adjacent piles.
b. Unexpected circumstances and difficulties
c. Date and time of casting concrete pile cap
d. Start
and finish of each operation during driving or installation of a pile and
subsequent testing
e. Difficulties in handling, pitching and driving piles f. Delays due to sea and weather conditions
Bored Piles
g. Type of equipment used and method of boring
h. Temporary casing,
method of installation and extraction. i. Strata encountered during boring
j. Water encountered during boring
k. Method of placing concrete and conditions pertaining l. Volume of concrete placed
m. Concrete level before and after
extraction of casing
Driven Preformed Piles and Driven Cast
In-Situ Piles
C4-30 Bored Piling Piles
n. Method of
support of
Pile and
(frame, hanging
suspended hammer or other method)
o. Driven length of pile or
temporary casing at final set
p. Hammer type, size and weight
q. Dolly and packing, type and condition before and after
r. Driving log (depth, blows per
250 mm, interruptions or
breaks in driving)
s. Final set in number
blows to produce penetration of 25 mm
t. Redrive check, time interval and set in number of blows to produce penetration of
25 mm
u. At final set and at redrive set, for drop or single
acting hammer, the length of the drop or stroke; for diesel hammer, the length of the stroke and the blows per minute; for double- acting hammer, the number of blows per
v. Condition of pile head or temporary casing after driving
w. Use of a follower
x. Use of preboring
y. Use of jetting
z. Lengthening
aa. Details of temporary casing
bb. Concrete level before and after
extraction of casing cc. Method of placing concrete and conditions pertaining. Test Procedure
a. Weight of kentledge
b. Tension pile, ground anchor or compression pile details
c. Plan of test arrangements showing position and distances of kentledge supports,
rafts, tension or
compression piles and reference frame to test pile.
d. Jack capacity
e. Method of load measurement
f. Method(s) of penetration or
uplift measurement
g. Working load test by Maintained Loading and CRU/CRP
h. Relevant dates and times Test Results a. In tabular form
b. In graphical form: load plotted against settlement (uplift), load and settlement
(uplift) plotted against time
c. Ground heave Site Investigation (if any)
a. Site investigation report number b. Borehole reference
5.3.3 Presentation of Graphical Results
C4-30 Bored Piling Piles
Adopt scales for plotting load/settlement (uplift) curves such that a settlement of 10 mm is equivalent to a load of 100 tonnes. Use the
same scales
the load and settlement (uplift)
against time curves.
5.3.4 Results of Instrumented Piles
Engage a specialist to prepare interpretation of geotechnical bearing capacities, skin friction and end bearing resistance of the test pile from the instrumentation. Engage a PE
(Civil) to interpret
results of instrumented test pile.
The interpretation of test results is to contain at
following plots:
a. Load-settlement plot;
b. Load transfer curves;
c. Unit
skin friction versus
applied load;
unit end-bearing
load including assumptions made
in the
analysis including the value of Young’s Modulus
of concrete adopted
in the
of load
and estimation of the
ultimate load capacity of the pile.
Submit as-built details of the steel reinforcement cage, including depth and length of the reinforcement laps after installation of the instrumented pile.
5.4 Results of Dynamic Load Tests
Engage a PE (civil) to analyse the results of the Dynamic Load Tests.
Submit the complete field results and graphs immediately, and computer analysis results
3 days after
Submit the detailed report, including the interpretation, analysis and correlation with
static load test
within 7 days after
Submit the results in format
as agreed with the SO.
5.4.1 Initial Results
Results are to include:
a. Print-out of the raw data of PDA
b. Maximum
force applied to pile head c. Maximum pile head velocity
d. Maximum energy imparted to the pile
e. Estimated maximum
resistance of the pile from
5.4.2 Full
The full report
to include following information for all pile tested:
a. date of pile installation b. date of
c. pile identification number and location
d. length of pile below commencing surface
e. total pile length, including projection above commencing surface at time of test f. length of pile from
instrumentation to toe
g. hammer type and drop
h. blow selected for analysis
C4-30 Bored Piling Piles
i. test
load achieved
j. temporary compression k. permanent set per blow
l. maximum force at pile head
m. maximum velocity at pile head
n. maximum downward energy imparted to the pile
o. dynamic soil resistance mobilised during the blow
p. mobilised static
soil resistance
indicate clearly
assumed soil
damping parameter
q. magnitude and location of possible pile damage
5.4.3 CAPWAP Analysis
For all piles tested, carry out CAPWAP analysis to provide the following information:
a. pile head movement
equivalent Specified Working Load
b. pile head movement at equivalent 2.0 times of Specified Working Load c. pile head movement
at maximum applied test load
d. permanent
residual movement of pile head after each
blow e. magnitude and distribution of mobilised static soil resistance
f. magnitude and distribution of soil stiffness and damping
g. deduced static load deflection behaviour of the pile at
head and toe
h. assumptions made in the analysis
i. limitations of
5.5 Results of
Osterberg Cell
Load Tests
Engage a PE (civil) to analyse the results of
Osterberg Cell Load Tests.
Submit the complete field results and graphs immediately, and computer analysis results
3 days after
Submit the detailed report, including the interpretation, analysis and correlation with
static load test
within 7 days after
Submit the results in format as agreed with the SO.
5.5.1 Initial Results
Results are to include:
a. Maximum force applied to pile
b. Maximum movements above and below O-cell
c. Maximum movement
measured by dial gauges at reference beam
and LVDT’s
5.5.2 Full Report
The full report is to include:
a. Date of pile installation
b. Date of test
C4-30 Bored Piling Piles
c. Pile identification number and location
d. Pile type and size
e. Length of pile below commencing surface
f. Total pile length,
including projection above commencing surface at time of test
g. Length of pile from instrumentation to toe
h. cell type and size
i. Test load achieved
j. Osterberg Cell(s) Load-Movement Curves
k. Shear Creep Limit Curve for both End Bearing and Side Shear
l. Side Shear and End Bearing Data Used for
Equivalent Top Load m. Equivalent Top Load-Settlement
n. Recorded loads during load test including compression calculations
o. Recorded movement during
load test, including upward and downward
movement calculations.
p. Details of
to construct the
Equivalent Top-Loaded
Curve including
assumptions made, detail procedures, expected accuracy, and limitations
q. Soil data e.g. nearest borehole, soil boring log
r. As-built details of the O-cells assembly, instrumentations and steel reinforcement
including depth and length of the reinforcement laps
5.6 Results of Pile Integrity Tests
Engage a PE (civil) to interpret the results of pile integrity tests.
5.6.1 Photographic record for Sonic Logging Tests
The photographic records of the oscilloscope
displays are to be analysed in detail.
Engage qualified personnel to analyse the results of Sonic Logging test.
5.6.2 Low Stain Impact Test
Examine the record of mechanical admittance as a function of frequency in detail.
5.6.3 Initial Results
Immediately after testing, provide a signed copy of all the raw test data of a pile to the
SO. Submit the results to the SO within 3 days after
5.6.4 Report
Prepare and submit a report for each pile tested. The report is to contain the following information:
a. contract number and name
b. pile location plan
c. pile reference number d. pile size and depth
e. working load
f. date on which the pile was constructed
C4-30 Bored Piling Piles
g. cube strengths of pile concrete
h. date on which the pile was tested
i. identification of supervisor
j. identification of analyser
k. the originals or clear copies of the photographic records
l. a record of
mechanical admittance of
m. an interpretation of each record
n. a review of any anomalies in terms of influence of poor materials or workmanship during pile construction. Interpretation
a. Report the following information:
b. velocity of sound in concrete, appropriate to the strength of the pile
c. whether the above was assumed or
d. the equivalent cross-sectional area of the pile e. the calculated pile length
f. the pile head stiffness
g. the condition of the pile toe Defects
Report any deviation from the record to be expected from a pile constructed entirely
of sound concrete
without defect. In the report,
indicate the nature, location
severity of the defect and recommend further testing
if necessary. Where directed, evaluate the implication of the existence of the defect on the performance of the pile.
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